Welcome to my blog. Comment if you enjoy it and comment if you don't. There will be items about my children, my furbabies and mostly my hobby of entering contests.
About Me
- loves6cats
- 45 year old partnered with the love of my life, with a 28 year old daughter, 23 year old step-son, 19 year old step-son, 16 year old step-daughter, a 9 year old step-son and a 4 1/2 year old son. I now have 5 male cats and 1 female bunny that I adore. I had to rehome 2 kitties last September and 2 kitties passed away in November so things have been sad this past year. I love contests as I'm sure you can tell. I also love tattoos, looking at other peoples' and getting my own (I've had 17). I met the man of my dreams, living right next door! We plan to get married this year and to homestead within the next 2 years.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Baby's 21st Birthday Dinner
Button Problems
Well, as you can tell my button has changed and I did it myself. Yahoo! I am so proud of myself. I took the teaching of Kathleen from Katydid and Kid and applied them and was able to fix it up. You see, the other night I wasn't able to get Photobucket to work so I cancelled my registration so that cancelled my pictures but ImageShack wouldn't cancel me until they tried to help find a solution with the link problem, which they did. So now I have the button from ImageShack, which I liked better anyway so everything worked out for the best. LOL!
Solar Powered Watch?
There is a giveaway being hosted by The Alternative Consumer, it's a lifestyle thing, for a solar powered watch. What a really great idea!
Bookin' with Bingo Giveaway
Here's an interesting book that you could win.
Slanket Giveaway
It's a blanket with sleeves...what a great idea. Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading? is hosting this giveaway.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Pretty Bracelet to be Won
My Moms View is giving away a bracelet from Baby J Jewels(they are, oh, too cute) and here's where you can check it out:
Green Earth Journey Giveaway
Want to win a really cool recipe holder. It's a fork made into a recipe card holder...very unique.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Want a pretty, environmentally safe drinking bottle. Well, here's a chance to win one!
My Win!
I had a win this morning from My Organized Chaos of Ecover products...Toilet Bowl Cleaner and Stain Remover. I can't wait to try them. Cleaning products that are environmentally friendly. Thanks so much, My Organized Chaos.
Skin Products Giveaway
My Organized Chaos is hosting a giveaway of some really great products that could help all the ladies out with some skin issues that all of us face...stretch marks, wrinkles and dry skin. What could be better. Why not try and win?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thanks to Katydid and Kid
I have to send a big <3 out to Katydid and Kid blog owner, Kathleen Walck, for helping me get my button up and running on my blog. Without her help, there would have been no button. She was amazingly patient and basically did all the work for me. Thanks for the help. It is so much appreciated!
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
They are hosting a giveaway from 90210 Organics. Just go here to check it out.
My Button
LOL, just realized that my Button is named after my cat, Button. It's not quite up and running yet but it will be soon. It takes you to the site that I got the picture off of. If you want to see where I made the button and see that you can go make your own, then you can click on it but otherwise, give me a few more days to get it working. I worked on it for 2 hours tonight so I'm a little frustrated and think I should leave it alone now. LOL!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
There is a giveaway of a Sweet Baby Cakes Carry All Drawstring Bag...very pretty and very handy to have. Here is where you can see more information:
Hiney bucks?
Shine Your Hiney Soap Co. is giving away hiney bucks to spend at her shop. Feel free to check it out.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Handmade for Real
There is a website that offers a place to pick up or to sell handmade items. They have 1 artisan item featured everyday so you can see what the artisans are offering. They also feature an artisan on the website so that you can get a feel for who you would be dealing with. There are interviews with other website owners so you can get feedback on things that may be of interest to you. There are new artisans listed. Lots of pretty pictures of artisans work, making you want to see more of what's available. There's even a list of who's in the chat. You can go "window shopping" and if you don't like what you see there, you can change the view, without walking anywhere! Clubhouses to meet and greet others with similiar interests to your own...this place sounds really great. What's the fee to join? Nothing, just register and you're good to go. Now, just click on the link below to check out this awesome website - Made by Hand. By ME.
Want to win some jewellery?
The Giveaway: is hosting a giveaway. Can you believe it? Please go have a look.
Cozy Time Cape Giveaway
Giveaway Addicted Mommy is hosting a giveaway and here is where you can check it out:
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Want to win some note cards. Well, here's your chance:
Win a True Story
So Many Precious Books, So Little Time is hosting a giveaway...check it out here:
Grammy contest!
Cybele Says is hosting this contest. Go here to check it out.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sad Night
Saturday was a very sad night for me. I was going to bed as per usual but I almost called out for my furbaby, Furball, who passed away in December. I just completely forgot that he was gone and then it hit me like a ton of bricks and I broke into tears. He layed with me every night until I fell asleep. I miss him so much and he has left a real empty spot in my heart. I guess they can do that after 14 1/2 years. I saw him being born on May 4, 1994 and I was with him as he left this world on Dec. 3, 2008...guess that is fitting also. He was the most special cat going. Furball you are missed and loved more than you know.
Win a Handcrafted Mug!
carpe libris reviews is hosting this giveaway. Who wouldn't want to win a beautiful handmade mug from Mug Heaven.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaways
Want to win a t-shirt from Just Be Clothing. Well, check it out here:
Want to win a cool bag from Envirosax. This is the place to go:
Want to win a cool bag from Envirosax. This is the place to go:
Eyeglasses to be won!
My Organized Chaos is hosting this giveaway.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Lipbalms to be won!
Sage and Savvy is hosting a giveaway. 3 lipbalms that you get to pick out from The Giving Essence. You can check it out here:
Friday, February 20, 2009
Old Car!
Well, we figured out what we are doing with the old "Green Machine". It's going to my Mum. She has a car that isn't in the greatest of shape so she'll sell that and give us the proceeds from that and we'll give her the car. It's worth alot more than that but that's okay because she needs a car and we have an extra one. It may seem like we should just give her the car for nothing but we aren't rich and we just spent quite a bit to get the old car fixed up so we'll use what she gives us from the sale of her car to try to pay off some of what we owe on fixing it up for her. I think it's the right thing to do. Hubby told me that he bought it for me originally so it was up to me what I wanted to do with it. I love my Mum and want her to be happy...she's loves my little car!
Residence or Not?
My daughter doesn't want to live in University Residence again this year. I think it's the best place for her as it's secure, close to campus(like right on it) and she has meals provided for her. Hubby and I are paying for her schooling so we feel we have some, well maybe, more than some, say in to where she lives while she goes to school. It will be extremely difficult to go to school, try to keep an apartment, try to pay bills, try to manage her life issues and make sure that she is fed. She thinks that we are too protective! We just want her to be a student while she has the chance and be an adult when she absolutely has to be. I just wish she could see that. We love her so much and only want what is best for her but she is so mad about it right now. I hope that she will come around and that she doesn't stay mad at us for too long.
Cereal Giveaway
Katydid and Kid is hosting a giveaway from General Mills Cereals of Banana Nut Cheerios and some other goodies. Go here to check it out:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New Car, Old Car?!

Hubby and I bought a new to us car the other day - a green 2000 Ford Focus, 5 speed. It's beautiful and I love it but I am saddened because I don't know what to do with the car that my hubby bought me almost 7 years ago - a green 1994 Mazda 323. I called her the "Green Machine". Boy, can she ever go! Zoom, zoom, zoom! Here's a picture of the Green Machine, before hubby's bumper-car accident last winter. She's still in such good shape. I really just don't know what to do! We can't keep 3 cars, can we? LOL!
carp(e) libris review Book Giveaway
Short stories to captivate the reader or so it sounds from the review. I definitely would love to read this book - "Down to a Sunless Sea" by Mathias B. Freese.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Want to win a pair of shoes that you wash in the dishwasher? They are from OKA b. shoes and are really pretty warm weather shoes. Go here to check it out.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Operation Love Zimbabwe Book Giveaway
You get to chose which book you would want if you win. Go here to check it out.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today's Giveaways!
My Organized Chaos is hosting environmentally safe products giveaway.
Risky Beads has a really fun giveaway that makes you use the old noggin.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away baby products that come from the Body Shop.
Risky Beads has a really fun giveaway that makes you use the old noggin.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away baby products that come from the Body Shop.
Exciting Day!
I checked my email today and I had 2 wins today!
I won a carved wooden ski sign from Lincoln Signs. You can see a picture of the sign here: http://signsneversleep.typepad.com/signs_never_sleep/2008/10/lincoln-sign-companys-winter-2008-ski-sign-give-away.html I am so excited. You get to put your last name on the sign - or whatever name you want, I guess!
I also won a batik wall hanging, from Operation Love Zimbabwe, that I had posted on here on Feb. 12. If you want to see a picture of that you can check it out here: http://moziesme.blogspot.com/2009/02/olz-batik-giveaway.html
That never happens to me that I have two wins in one day. I am just so excited!!
Keep entering the contests. You can't win if you don't enter, is what I always say to myself!
I won a carved wooden ski sign from Lincoln Signs. You can see a picture of the sign here: http://signsneversleep.typepad.com/signs_never_sleep/2008/10/lincoln-sign-companys-winter-2008-ski-sign-give-away.html I am so excited. You get to put your last name on the sign - or whatever name you want, I guess!
I also won a batik wall hanging, from Operation Love Zimbabwe, that I had posted on here on Feb. 12. If you want to see a picture of that you can check it out here: http://moziesme.blogspot.com/2009/02/olz-batik-giveaway.html
That never happens to me that I have two wins in one day. I am just so excited!!
Keep entering the contests. You can't win if you don't enter, is what I always say to myself!
Mammalicious Finds Giveaway
What an awesome giveaway! A Twilight inspired necklace from Funk du Jour Designs & Twilight Series Jewellery designer, Francine Sumner, hosted by Mammalicious Finds. You can check it out here (just noticed this is for US addresses only):
Monday, February 16, 2009
Book Giveaway
Marta's Meanderings is hosting a giveaway of "the Terror". Read the review - sounds intriguing.
Make-up Giveaway
My Organized Chaos is hosting a giveaway by Lily Lolo. Very nice make-up to win.
Simple giveaway
Simple is hosting a giveaway of a cosmetic bag, a wristlet or a grab bag, check it out.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaways
Really cute t-shirt giveaway!
Giveaway of a pair of jeans that fit a woman. Wahoo!
Giveaway of a pair of jeans that fit a woman. Wahoo!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Learn Love & Link (& Win)
Learn Love & Link on the 5 Minutes for Mom site. It's alot of fun to see all the websites that have joined and are linking.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Malawian carved wood bowl Giveaway
Mozi Esme is hosting a giveaway of an extraordinarily crafted bowl. Please check it out at:
Necklace to be Won
Green Earth Journey is hosting a giveaway by Blackstar of a beautiful necklace.
Batik Wall Hanging to be Won
Mozi Esme is hosting a giveaway of a batik wall hanging from Mozambique. Very beautiful.
The New James Patterson Giveaway
Bookin with Bingo is hosting a giveaway of the new James Patterson - "Run for your Life". I can't wait to read this book, I love James Patterson. He is an awesome author.
Pledge Fabric Sweeper Giveaway
A Nut in a Nutshell is hosting a givaway of a Pledge Fabric Sweeper. Sounds like something I could use with my furbabies. Check it out here:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Earring Giveaway
Operation Love Zimbabwe is hosting a giveaway of sterling silver earring with 300 year old beads:
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
There is a giveaway of an adorable travel mug. Check it out here:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaways
Ribbed t-shirt giveaway. Beautiful long to cover up, have a look:
A really cool tickle me plant to be won:
A really cool tickle me plant to be won:
carp(e) libris review Giveaway
They are giveway a beautiful leather journal from Journal Shelf. You can check it out for yourself here:
Monday, February 9, 2009
Organic Baby Contest
Sounds like the baby is organic but no it's the cleaning products that are organic. Why not check it out? What could be better than organic cleaning products? Clean and helping with the environment.
Green Earth Journey
There a pillow giveaway, check it out.
Bookin' with Bingo Blogiversary
Bookin' with Bingo's Blog is one month old today! Go check out the site! Wahoo!!!
Book Giveaway
At Home With Books is hosting a giveaway of 4 books. Go here to check it out.
Furgal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Outfit Giveaway. One to hide the flaws. Wow, who wouldn't want to win that.
Another Glade Giveaway
A Nut in a Nutshell is also hosting a Glade giveaway. Go here to check it out:
Glade Giveaway
My Organized Chaos has a giveaway from Glade.
Lunchbag given away:
My Organized Chaos has a really nice give away for us Canadian readers. Please go have a look at:http://controllingchaosincanada.blogspot.com/2009/02/balanced-day-lunch-kits-review-giveaway.html
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My baby, Kristin
Here is a picture of my daughter, Kristin. She turns 21 this March 3rd. She attends Dalhousie University, 2nd year, taking her BA in English...such a smart cookie. Isn't she the cutest thing? She was born 9 weeks early back in 1988 but was very healthy for a preemie. I am so proud of her and love her more than words can say.
Button and Riddick
Here is a picture of Riddick, in black and Button, in gray. Riddick was born April 19, 2008 so he's not quite a year and likes to pick on his big "sister". Button is still our baby although she will be three on July 1, 2009. They are actually related to each other and are cousins. Can't you see the family resemblance? LOL!
Dulcet, Tigger and Furball

This is Tigger - he had all double paws. He was my husband's cat. He was born August of 1991 and died on November 16, 2006.
This was the baby of the bunch, Furball - he was the smartest of the bunch. He was my boy. He was born May 4, 1994 and died December 3, 2008. He was kind of like a dog - he would like my face to say hi, would come when called and would meet me at the door whenever I got home. He is so missed!
Furball loved me dressing him up in little costumes. Here he is in a Halloween costume that made him look like Disco Stu from the "Simpsons".
Friday, February 6, 2009
Showerhead Giveaway
My Organized Chaos is having a really cool giveaway, go check it out, at:
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls has Valentine Day Giveaway
Win a sweet pendant of your choice by visiting the following:
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Phone Giveaway
5 Minutes for Mom is having a giveaway of a Motorola Motozine ZN5 phone. Go here to see:
Wouldn't we all love to win.
Wouldn't we all love to win.
Valentine Giveaway by Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls
Cool giveaway of really pretty water bottles.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Contest at Shine Your Hiney Soap Co.
Shine Your Hiney Soap Co. is having a giveaway...wouldn't we all like to win.
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