Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting a giveaway of a too cute laundry bag from Lulu & Peep.
Welcome to my blog. Comment if you enjoy it and comment if you don't. There will be items about my children, my furbabies and mostly my hobby of entering contests.
About Me
- loves6cats
- 45 year old partnered with the love of my life, with a 28 year old daughter, 23 year old step-son, 19 year old step-son, 16 year old step-daughter, a 9 year old step-son and a 4 1/2 year old son. I now have 5 male cats and 1 female bunny that I adore. I had to rehome 2 kitties last September and 2 kitties passed away in November so things have been sad this past year. I love contests as I'm sure you can tell. I also love tattoos, looking at other peoples' and getting my own (I've had 17). I met the man of my dreams, living right next door! We plan to get married this year and to homestead within the next 2 years.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Win a Digital Pocket Album
Life Starring Ellie and Eve is hosting a giveaway of a Digital Pocket Album from Digital Foci...how cool is that? Keep all your photos in one place and just one click away.
Win a Tootsie Roll Easter Themed Gift Pack
Want some Easter treats? Well, I know where you could win some? Amanda is hosting a giveaway of a Tootsie Roll Easter Themed Gift Pack that you could easily win just by checking this out and following the rules of how to enter.
Adults Only Giveaway
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway for adults only of a Earthly Delights Gift Tin from Eden Fantasys.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Win a $50 Soy Candle Gift Pack
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of a $50 gift pack of soy candles and other candle-like products from Natural Lites Candles .
Win a Reusable Easter Tote
Enter to win a reusable Easter tote from Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls. This bag is from The Ole Bag Lady and is really sweet.
Enter to Win "Whisper of Warning"
Bookin' with Bingo is hosting a giveaway of "Whisper of Warning" and has a great interview with the author, Laura Griffin, also posted.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Win a Melissa Butler Photograph
My Moms View is hosting a giveaway of a lovely photograph from Melissa Butler Photography...very nice photography. My favourite is angel Amongst Us…
Win a $50 Honey Dipp Gift Pack
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of some delicious sounding products from Honey Dipp.
Win a Cashmere Shawl
The Funky Monkey is hosting a giveaway of a beautiful azalea coloured cashmere shawl from Nimli. (US Residents only)
Powerful Poem
Words to Mouth is a blog that I often visit and tonight, I was glad that I did. She usually hosts well known authors and their writing but had a poem on there tonight, written by a very special man, from Atlanta, by the name of David L. Hill, who happens to be homeless currently. It was so well written and very powerful. I was moved by the reading of it. If you have a chance to stop by and read it, you really should.
Win Sothys Products
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting a giveaway of 2 shower and bath products from Sothys .
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Enter to Win an Eco-bag
Natural Mommie is hosting a giveaway of really cute ECOBAGS. Here's your chance to win 1 of 2.
Marta's Meanderings Giveaway
Marta's Meanderings is hosting a virtual girl's night out giveaway of 3 books. Just leave a comment and also the name of your favourite drink as well as the words to the "Love Boat" lyrics and you're in!
Win an Outfit from SlimPerfect
Live, Love, Laugh with Leslie is hosting a giveaway of your choice outfit from SlimPerfect.
Win Dial Products
Amanda is hosting a giveaway of Dial products from www.dialsoap.com/.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Enter to Win Mom and Child Flip Flops
The Funky Monkey is hosting a giveaway of mom and child flip flops in your choice of colour and style from Top It Off. Lots of pretty colours and styles to chose from.
Win Mama Mio Products
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of three products to improve and maintain the tone, texture and elasticity of your skin from Mama Mio .
Win "The Turnaround"
So Many Precious Books, So Little Time is hosting a giveaway for the book, "The Turnaround" by George Pelecanos, which sounds exciting and intriguing. If you enter, please let them know you learned of the giveaway here, from Daughter and Furbabies.
Win Cupcake Soap
The Soap Seduction is hosting a giveaway of 3 shea butter cupcake soaps, in Buttercream Cupcake Soap, Carrot Cupcake Soap, and Chocolate Cupcake Soap...don't they sound heavenly.
Win a Soap Gift Bag
Parents Gear is hosting a giveaway of a lovely Luscious Lather Variety Soap Gift Bag from Save Your World.
Win a Pendant of Choice
Everything Up Close is hosting a giveaway of your choice of pendant from Lincoln Christian’s shop. There are so many different ones to chose from...the decision may be difficult.
Win White Ice Tea
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is hosting a giveaway of white ice tea from Inko's. There are so many flavours to chose from.
Win Matching Mother and Daughter Totes
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is hosting a giveaway of matching mother and daughter totes from Top It Off .
Win a 6 Pack of Organic Baby Wipes
My Moms View is hosting a giveaway of a pack of 6 organic bamboo velour cloth wipes from Northern Baby...they look so soft.
Win "Is it Just Me or Is Everything Shit?"
Un-mainstream Mom Reads is hosting a giveaway of the book, "Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Shit?"...thanks to Hachette Book Group. Sounds entertaining and humourous but has offensive language so beware if you are easily offended by curse words.
Book Wins
I had 2 emails the other days that said I won something. I was so excited. I love winning things...anything, just to hear that I won, something that I actually put in for, is so exciting. I love all these blog sites. You guys just have the best giveaways. Anyway, on to what I won:
- "The Terror" and "The Mighty Queens of Freeville" from Bookin' with Bingo, which was exciting because the second book was a bonus because I was the first person picked who had blogged about the giveaway.
- "Angry Conversations with God" from Books, movies, and Chinese Food, which sounds more about religion than what it is.
- "The Terror" and "The Mighty Queens of Freeville" from Bookin' with Bingo, which was exciting because the second book was a bonus because I was the first person picked who had blogged about the giveaway.
- "Angry Conversations with God" from Books, movies, and Chinese Food, which sounds more about religion than what it is.
Winner of the Nimli Giveaway from Simply Stacie
I was just contacted by Stacie of Simply Stacie to say that I was the new winner drawn in the Nimli giveaway and oh what a prize it is...a wrap, a shawl, a bangle and earrings. I just can't wait to see the goodies. I am so excited and to think all because someone didn't answer in the alloted 48 hours...it pays to check your email regularly, folks. I do all the time and I answer all my emails immediately. Thanks so much Stacie. It is much appreciated.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Win a SlimPerfect Outfit
Everything Up Close is hosting a giveaway of an outfit from SlimPerfect and you get to chose which one you would like to have.
Win a GelPro Mat
Everything "In the Kitchen" Up Close is hosting a giveaway of a GelPro mat.
Win a 2 Pack of Ribbed Tees
The Mommy Files is hosting a giveaway of 5 packs of Ribbed Tees to 5 lucky winners from RibbedTee.
Win an Eco-Stuffed Wolf
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of an eco-friendly Eco-Stuffed Wolf from Celery Street .
Win Stitch Markers
Shop By Hand is hosting a giveaway of dual use stitch markers from Birdy's Knits. Not only can they be used as stitch markers but they can be worn as earrings.
Win Pack of 2 Ribbed V-neck T-shirts
Amanda is hosting a giveaway a Pack of 2 Ribbed V-neck T-shirts from RibbedTee.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Win a Beautiful Handbag
My Organized Chaos is hosting a giveaway of a beautiful handbag from Nest.
Win a New Kind of Diamond Pendant Necklace
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of a New Kind of Diamond Pendant Necklace from Tracie Nicole Designs .
Win Lipstick and Lip-gloss
The Funky Monkey is hosting a giveaway of lipstick and lip-gloss from Marina Cosmetics...very soft and pretty colours. (US residents only)
Win Best of Contemporary Mexican Fiction
Carpe libris reviews is hosting a giveaway of the book, "Best of Contemporary Mexican Fiction".
Win the Kitty Norville Series
Write for a Reader is hosting a giveaway of the Kitty Norville Series thanks also to Miriam Parker.
Win the Kitty Norville Series
Unmainstream Mom Reads is hosting a giveaway of the Kitty Norville Series, thanks to Miriam Parker.
Win 1 of 2 Audiobooks
So Many Precious Books, So Little Time is hosting a giveaway of 1 of 2 audiobooks, "Drood" or "Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven".
Win 1 of 2 Books
So Many Precious Books, So Little Time is hosting a giveaway of 1 of 2 books, "Do-Over" or "Jantsen's Gift".
Win a $50 Gift Certificate to Sheer Miracle
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is hosting a giveaway of a $50 gift certificate to Sheer Miracle, for any make-up that you chose.
Bookin' with Bingo Giveaway
Bookin with Bingo is hosting a giveaway for a chance to win 1 of 2 books by the new author, J. R. LaGreca. You could win Afternoon Tea or Suburban Weird, both of which sound equally riveting to me.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Win a Custom Necklace
Etsy it Up is hosting a giveaway of a necklace of your choice from The Vintage Pearl...lots of designs to chose from and oh so pretty.
Win "The Crimes of Paris"
Unmainstream Mom Reads is hosting a giveaway of the true crime story, "The Crimes of Paris" from the Hachette Book Group.
Win a Slanket
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is hosting a giveaway of a Slanket, a blanket with sleeves, from www.theslanket.com.
Win Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home Book
Sage and Savvy is hosting a giveaway of the book, Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Home, with excellent cleaning tips for every room of the home and beyond.
Win Beauty Products
Cybele Says is hosting a giveaway of beauty products from a number of different companies and you can be the lucky recipient if you go here to enter.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Via Email
I am so excited! I just did something all on my own...to my blog. I now have it that people can subscribe via email to my blog through FeedBurner and I am so proud of myself. It took me awhile to get it right but it's there and it's done. Whew! I think Kathleen from Katydid and Kid would be quite pleased to know that I didn't have to bug her for any help. LOL! Every other time, I have changed something, I have gone to her at least once to ask a question but this time perserverence paid off.
Words to Mouth Book Giveaway
Words to Mouth is hosting a Spring Cleaning Giveaway of books from Hachette.
Win the Entire Max Series
Marta's Meanderings is hosting a giveaway of James Patterson's entire Max Series.
Win a 12 oz Soy Candle
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting a giveaway of a scented 12 oz soy candles from US Candle Company in your choice of scent.
Win a Onesie or T-Shirt
My Moms View is hosting a giveaway of a handpainted onesie or T-shirt of your choice from Tummies and Tots...lots of different cute and different sayings to chose from.
Win Beautiful Earrings
Natural Mommie is hosting a giveaway of beautiful amethyst, peridot and sterling silver earrings from Moonrise Jewelry ...very pretty.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Simply Stacie Giveaway
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of any item from Ellembee.
Win a Jewellery Piece
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of your choice of a jewellery piece from TwilighterVA...so many pretty pieces to chose from.
Win $25 Gift Certificate from Bare Organics
Natural Mommie is hosting a giveaway of a $25 gift certificate from Bare Organics for whatever you chose from their shop.
Win a $50 Gift Certificate for Beauty Products
A Giveaway Addicted Mommy is hosting a giveaway of a $50 gift certificate from The Pure Boutique for whatever you chose.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Win a $25 Gift Card to Customized Girl
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway where you get to design a T-shirt, that she will then judge, to see who wins a $25 gift card from the sponsor, Customized Girl .
Win Lip Care Kit
The Mommy-Files is hosting a giveaway of a Lip Care Kit from Organic Girls...yummy flavours to chose from.
Enter to Win a Sterling Silver and Blue Topaz Bracelet
Enter to win a beautiful sterling silver and blue topaz bracelet valued at $85 from Beautiful Silver Jewelry , hosted by Simply Stacie.
Win a Retro Apron
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of a retro apron of your choice from Boojiboo.
Drey's Library Spring-y Book Giveaway
Drey's Library is hosting a Spring-y giveaway of 5 books...feel free to check it out to see the titles. They are great ones.
Win "The Terror"
Bookin' with Bingo is hosting a giveaway of a book "The Terror" by Dan Simmons.
Win the Book, "A Lucky Child"
Unmainstream Mom Reads is hosting a giveaway of "A Lucky Child"...the true story of a boy during the halocaust reunited with his mother after 2 years, then moving to America and later becoming a Judge.
Win a Steamboy
Everything Up Close is hosting a giveaway of a Steamboy T1 steam floor mop with 6 microfiber pads and a carpet glider from Reliable.
Win a Lovely Apron
Everything "In the Kitchen" Up Close is hosting a giveaway of a lovely yellow apron from Carolyn’s Kitchen.
Win a $30 Gift Certificate
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is hosting a giveaway of $30 gift certificate from Room It Up and they have so much to chose from!
Win a Cheerios Helping Hearts Pearl Bracelet
Marta's Meanderings is hosting a giveaway of a Cheerios Helping Hearts Pearl Bracelet from Cheerios.
Win a Yoga Mat with Bag
Win 1 of 2 yoga mats with a mat bag from Kulae, hosted by Natural Mommie. You get to chose the size of the mat and the colour you would like to have. 1 winner from the US and 1 from Canada.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Win a Watch
The Funky Monkey is hosting a giveaway of your choice of one of three watches from Freestyle. You really have to see the styles to believe them...one is actually solar powered! (US entries only)
Win a Flip Video Camera
To Think is to Creat is hosting a giveaway of an awesome prize...a Flip Video Camera. Not much to do to get in on the contest but tell something interesting about yourself and that can't be too hard, can it?
Giveaway from Momma in Flip Flops2
Momma in Flip Flops2 is hosting a giveaway of a Sidney Faux Wrap, which is a really pretty top, from A Mother's Boutique. It sounds like all they would have is maternity clothes but they have all shapes and sizes with really beautiful outfits to chose from.
Win a $25 Gift Certificate to BellaBejeweled
My Organized Chaos is hosting a giveaway of a $25 gift certificate to BellaBejeweled which sells amazing Twilight inspired pieces.
Win a Butterfly Necklace
Green Earth Journey is hosting a giveaway of a beautiful Butterfly Superstar Necklace from kimquinndotcom.
Win a Skoy Cloth
Want to win a SKOY Cloth...well, Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is hosting just such a giveaway. They are like a thin sponge and replace the use of paper towel.
Ultimate Blog Party 2009!
The Ultimate Blog Party of '09 has started. It runs from March 20-27th. The button is on the sidebar and the link is below so feel free to check it out. Lots of great prizes and lots of great friends. It's the social gathering of the year in blogsville. 5 Minutes for Mom is one of the hosts. There are already over 684 Family Friendly Linked Sites on there...one of them being mine, of course. I hope to see you all there and I hope everyone has a great time!
This is my first one so I am taking full advantage of meeting new people and checking out all the great blogs that are on there.
I am a 37 year old mother of one...a 21 year old daughter who is attending her second year of university. I have been married for almost 12 years, although we have been together for almost 20 years this year. I have 2 wonderful furbabies, who are pictured on my blog. That's about all there is to say about me!
Here are some of the prizes that I would like to win:
Intl #3 - $15 gift certificate to Amazon.com from mommy bytes
Intl #8 - One Karmin Salon Pro G3 Hair Styling Iron courtesy of My Hair Styling Tools
Intl #30 - $15 e-card to Amazon.com from Tree, Root, and Twig
Intl #61 - $30 gift credit to Amazon.com from Robynn’s Ravings
Intl #63 - “Silver Leaves” Earrings from Acorn Accessories
USC #15 - $20 gift certificate to Amazon.com from Want to Know What I Think?
USC #16 - $50 gift certificate to Kristen's Custom Creations from Kristen of Kristen’s Custom Creations
USC #17 - $50 Sterling Silver Earrings from Ice.com
USC #20 - 1 RockNRule Mom tee and 1 Grateful Mom tee and 1 Grateful Mom tank from Promom Couture
USC #47 - $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com from Just Say these Words
As you can probably tell, I really like Amazon.com! LOL! Those are my choices for my prizes but there are so many others to chose from that you really should check it out.
This is my first one so I am taking full advantage of meeting new people and checking out all the great blogs that are on there.
I am a 37 year old mother of one...a 21 year old daughter who is attending her second year of university. I have been married for almost 12 years, although we have been together for almost 20 years this year. I have 2 wonderful furbabies, who are pictured on my blog. That's about all there is to say about me!
Here are some of the prizes that I would like to win:
Intl #3 - $15 gift certificate to Amazon.com from mommy bytes
Intl #8 - One Karmin Salon Pro G3 Hair Styling Iron courtesy of My Hair Styling Tools
Intl #30 - $15 e-card to Amazon.com from Tree, Root, and Twig
Intl #61 - $30 gift credit to Amazon.com from Robynn’s Ravings
Intl #63 - “Silver Leaves” Earrings from Acorn Accessories
USC #15 - $20 gift certificate to Amazon.com from Want to Know What I Think?
USC #16 - $50 gift certificate to Kristen's Custom Creations from Kristen of Kristen’s Custom Creations
USC #17 - $50 Sterling Silver Earrings from Ice.com
USC #20 - 1 RockNRule Mom tee and 1 Grateful Mom tee and 1 Grateful Mom tank from Promom Couture
USC #47 - $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com from Just Say these Words
As you can probably tell, I really like Amazon.com! LOL! Those are my choices for my prizes but there are so many others to chose from that you really should check it out.
Win a Laptop Messenger Bag
Sandier Pastures is hosting a giveaway of a Laptop messenger bag from Casauri.
Win Chicken Soup for the Soul:Power Moms
Win "Chicken Soup for the Soul : Power Moms" from An Island Review.
Win a Beautiful Wristlet
Sandier Pastures is hosting a giveaway of a beautiful wristlet from the 144 Collection shop.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Win a Long Sleeve Tee
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting a giveaway of a long sleeve t-shirt from Chewy Lou Designs in the design of your choice. Lots to chose from so take a look.
Win Rosebud Earrings
Shop By Hand is hosting a giveaway of lovely Rose bud earrings from Buster and Boo. http://shopbyhand.blogspot.com/2009/03/shop-byhand-rosebud-earrings-giveaway.html
Win The Boy in the Striped Pajamas DVD
DVD Reviews is hosting this giveaway of the DVD "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". I have been wanting to see this movie since I saw a trailer for it at the movie theater.
Win a T-Shirt of Your Choice
You can win the T-shirt of your choice from Zehn Naturals...many different ones to chose from. This giveaway is hosted by The Mommy-Files.
Simply Stacie Giveaways
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of a up to $15 valued item from Illuminating Designs by Connie ...there are such pretty items to chose from, that it could take a while.
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of PJ's from KN Karen Neuburger and they have the most amazing items to chose from with so many sizes available. What you receive will be a surprise!
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of PJ's from KN Karen Neuburger and they have the most amazing items to chose from with so many sizes available. What you receive will be a surprise!
Feisty Frugal Fabulous Giveaway
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting this giveaway of product and a book from Greenforlife.ca, which is a Canadian company.
At Home with Books Giveaways
Enter to win the "Run for Your Life" audiobook from At Home with Books, the next in the Michael Bennett series by James Patterson.
Enter to win the "Max" audiobook from At Home with books, the next in the Max series by James Patterson also.
Enter to win the "Max" audiobook from At Home with books, the next in the Max series by James Patterson also.
Win the Book...Kitty and the Silver Bullet
Drey's Library is hosting a giveaway of the book "Kitty and the Silver Bullet"...sounds so good. I can't wait to read this...if I win and if I don't well, I guess I go get the book. LOL!
Enter to Win a Ring or Earrings
Enter to win a ring or earrings from Maria's Space, sponsored by Airy Fairy Jewelry . Everything is so pretty.
Win a Cool T-Shirt
Ultimate Giveaways is hosting a giveaway of a t0-shirt from www.iusedtobecool.com, which has shirts for women, men and kids, with really neat saying on them.
Win a Goddess Top
Life Starring Ellie and Eve is hosting a giveaway of a lovely Goddess top from A Mother’s Boutique. They have lovely clothes in all sizes from maternity wear to plus sizes.
Win a $25 Gift Card to Starbucks
Natural Mommie is hosting a giveaway of a $25 gift card to Starbucks to kick-off her "Naturally Step Into Spring" event that begins March 21st. There will be lots of prizes being given away so it's worth stopping by to check this site out.
Win Happy Socks
Everything Up Close is hosting a giveaway of 4 pairs of socks from Happy Socks and they are oh so snazzy.
Win a Gift Bundle
Enter to win a gift bundle from Women’s Bean Project, hosted by Everything "In the Kitchen" Up Close.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Win Natural Cleaning Products
The Alternative Consumer is hosting a giveaway of natural cleaning products from Eco Mist Solutions. Some of these products are made with corn, tree sap, grass and the like...and they will clean your home...the natural way, with no harsh chemicals.
Win Diamond Earrings!
Scary Mommy is hosting a giveaway of Diamond Earrings! Yes, I said Diamond Earrings sooo if you want some bling, go here to check this out!
Win a Clorox Canister
The Mommy-Files is hosting a giveaway of the new canisters from Clorox with their great cleaning wipes inside.
Win a Wristlet/Clutch
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of a wristlet/clutch from Miss Gina Designs.
Giveaway by Glimpse
There is a giveaway, being hosted by Glimpse, of a 12 oz reusable stainless steel sippy bottle from Better Baby Bums.
Win Charles Grodin's Memoir Book
Enter to win through drey's Library the memoir of Charles Grodin.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Win Products from Lush
Your Mama Reviews is hosting a giveaway of a Lush gift pack worth $25...they have such wonderful products, that make you feel luxurious.
Win from Prissy Green
There is a giveaway of 2 items from Delight , hosted by Prissy Green, of a reusable coffee mug and a reusable bottle.
Win a Rainproof Baby Blanket
Win a 'B' Blanket...it's rainproof...from Rain or Shine Kids. This contest is hosted by My Organized Chaos.
Win a Yogurt Gift Pack
Life Starring Ellie and Eve is hosting a giveaway of a Yogurt Gift Pack from Yoplait YoPlus+.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Enter to win Medora snacks. They look so yummy and there are so many different flavours to chose from.
Win Skin Care Items
Enter to win skin care items from Belli Skincare, hosted by Feisty Frugal and Fabulous.
Win a Book called Sixty-Five Roses
5 Minutes for Books is hosting a giveaway for a book entitled Sixty-five Roses: A Sister's Memoir, about a family living with a child with cystic fibrosis and the trials that come along with that, written from the sister's perspective. It sounds intriguing.
Surprise Phone Call
My daughter called me tonight just to say hi! You always wonder if there is something wrong at first but she just wanted to chat. It's so nice to hear from her. She lives in residence not too far from home but she doesn't come home much, because being in second year, she has lots of school work. I don't like to call too much because I know that she has lots to do so I wait for her to call me or to come home to visit. This always makes me feel so good and so loved. We don't really chat about anything in particular, just about the furbabies and school, how she's doing and how me and her dad are, if he got his haircut yet...which he didn't and if her girlfriend went home to Cape Breton...which she did today but just to have her on the other end of the phone is so nice. I always tell my friends to enjoy their little ones while they are little because they grow up so fast and then you only chat once in awhile and wait for the...surprise phone calls.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Win Books for Women's History Month
Drey's Library is hosting a book giveaway for Women's History Month and it's a big one so check it out here:
Win a Babydoll Tunic
Life Starring Ellie and Eve is hosting a giveaway of a Babydoll Tunic from DeadWorry.
Win a Stainless Steel Bottle
Hosting this giveaway of a stainless steel reusable bottle from Earthlust, is Katydid and Kid. They have such beautiful designs and the bottle will be your choice.
Win Books
Enter to win Rusch Books on Drey's Library.
Win Softlips
Win Softlips moisturizer from Momma in Flip Flops 2.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Win a Nail Polish Gift Package
Enter to win this giveaway of Piggy Paint nailpolish from Simply Stacie.
Win Rice-a-Roni
Enter to win the new flavour of Rice-a-Roni from Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls.
Win Cookies
The Mommy Files is hosting this giveaway of cookies from San Francisco Cookie Company.
Win a Cool Bag
A Giveaway Addicted Mommy is hosting this giveaway of a cool bag that converts into a ball, that you can throw in your purse, from Flip & Tumble.
Win a T-shirt
A Giveaway Addicted Mommy is hosting this giveaway of a T-shirt from Mommystars...they are so nice and they look extremely comfy.
Win a Purse
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting this giveaway of a fantastic purse from Madi Couture in your choice of black, grey or brown.
Win a Daddy Blanket
Feisty Frugal and Fabulous is hosting a giveaway of a Daddy Blanket from DoGree Online.
100th Post Book Giveaway
Marta's Meanderings is hosting a huge book giveaway for her 100th post! Congratulations on this accomplishment.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
$25 e-gift card to be Won!
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of $25 e-gift card to Layers Clothing and they have some amazing deals, plus some really beautiful outfits.
I Won!
I had an email this morning from My Organized Chaos saying that I won the mini-sign from Signs & Salvage. They have Twilight inspired signs so I guess this is the one that I am getting and it is really cute. I was very excited to have heard that I won because these are some really cool signs, made from recycled materials. You can click on the link to check out the types of signs that they have...very unique. Thanks My Organized Chaos and Signs & Salvage for this awesome win.
Simply Stacie Giveaway
Win a Tiger Eye and Peridot 16 inch necklace from XO Jewelry Designs .
Win Boogie Wipes Basket
The Giveaway is hosting this giveaway from Boogie Wipes. They sound like an absolutely amazing product that cuts wiping noses time down.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Five Lost Days Giveaway
This giveaway is hosted by carp(e) libris reviews and this book sounds fantastic. I would love to win it.
Win a Wristlet
Win a Forest Garden Dorothy Wristlet from 144 Collection. This contest is hosted by Sandier Pastures.
Diet Book Giveaway
This book giveaway is being hosted by So Many Precious Books, So Little Time.
Win 2 Pairs of Pretty Socks
My Organized Chaos is hosting this giveaway from Ozone.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
This is a giveaway of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal cleaning products from PureGreen24, hosted by Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Win 2 James Patterson Books
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of 2 of the James Patterson books in the Michael Bennett series...what a giveaway...such a good series and an interesting storyline.
Enter to Win Coffee Beans
Carp(e) libris reviews is hosting a giveaway of coffee beans from the Higher Grounds Trading Company.
Win EyeShadow
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of three eyeshadows of your choice from Luire.
Flip Notes to be Won
Enter to win a Flip Notes from Bright and Bold . This contest is hosted by Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls.
100th Blog Giveaway at Write for a Reader
Check out the awesome giveaway at Write for a Reader.
Win a Grocery Tote
Win a flower tote bag from Glamorous Groceries, hosted by The Nifty Thrifty Homemaker.
Engraved Locket to be Won
Win a Custom Birth Announcement Engraved Locket from Star Creations. This giveaway is hosted by Life Starring Ellie and Eve.
Sandier Pastures Giveaway
Enter to win, from Slim Perfect Inc., the outfit of your chosing. These outfits are adorable and are made to make you slim.
Reusable E-cloths to be Won
Everything "In the Kitchen" Up Close is hosting a giveaway from E-cloth of a pack of an E-cloth Kitchen Pack.
Prissy Green Giveaway
Enter to win some natural products in the scent of your chosings from Nature's Paradise . This contest is hosted by Prissy Green.
Win a Personalized Name Necklace
Enter to win a beautiful Personalized Oval Name Necklace from 3 Sweet Peas Jewelry, hosted by The Giveaway.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pewter and Leather Bracelet to be Won
The Funky Monkey is hosting this giveawayof a pewter and leather bracelet of your choice from Loved Unconditionally .
Win a Pillow
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway of a Cloud Pillow from Natura World.
Bracelet to be Won
Momma in Flip Flops2 is hosting a giveaway of a bracelet of your choice from Jewelry By Momma J.
Herbal Essences Hydralicious - Review
On Feb. 25, I received a heavy box by courier and I was intrigued. I couldn't imagine what it was. When I opened it, I was pleasantly surprised to find, 6 bottles of shampoo and conditioner from Herbal Essences...the new kind, Hydralicious, with the swirls. I opened every one to smell them all, of course! LOL!
They all looked so pretty and smelled so nice. I was to try each one and write a review. I was also to pass out coupons to all my friends so they could try this wonderful new product as well. I called everyone I knew and told them that I was one of 200 picked to try this out. Didn't I feel special? You bet!
Well, I only wash my hair twice a week because it's half way down my back so...it's quite a process to wash it, as you can imagine.
I tried the Herbal Essences Hydralicious Featherweight Shampoo and Conditioner - orange swirls in the shampoo - first as this is supposed to give your hair body. Not that I much need body as I have lots as it is but I wanted to try all the products to be fair. I thought that I would need a lot of shampoo considering the length of my hair but I was pleasantly surprised. I took what I thought I would need, a handful and it was too much. I had suds galore. It had a pleasant citrusy smell. Even with all the suds it was easy to rinse out.
With the conditioner, I took less after the shampoo incident and it was very silky feeling. It had the same scent as the shampoo. It too rinsed out easily. It didn't leave my hair feeling weighted down.
After my hair dried, I noticed that I had a lot of body but this isn't the product for me because with all the body I already have it was too much. For someone with fine hair and no body, this would be perfect.
I next tried the Herbal Essences Hydralicious Self-Targeting Shampoo and Conditioner - pink swirls in the shampoo. It smelled faintly of berries and almonds to me, as did the conditioner. I was able to use less, knowing that I would get the suds that I needed off a smaller amount. It really works well to provide suds and scent. Both rinsed out easily and once again didn't make my hair feel weighted down.When my hair was dry, it looked so curly, people were asking me what I had done to my hair. It was less flyaway and looked so much more healthy.
Lastly, I tried the Herbal Essences Hydralicious Reconditioning Shampoo and Conditioner -purple swirls in the shampoo. The smell of these reminded me of fruit and coconut. No problems with the amount to use as this shampoo suds up like crazy and the conditioner is so silky, it just rubs right through your hair. Yet, you don't feel like anything is left on your hair once you are done rinsing, as sometimes happens. Just clean and soft feeling hair. Again, when my hair was dry, it was curly, less flyaway and more healthy looking.
I must say I was really impressed with these shampoos and conditioners because with only washing my hair twice a week, I am often left with dry feeling scalp and no scent left on my hair but with this product, this just didn't happen. No dry, itchy scalp at all and people were commenting on the scent, days after I had washed it, saying how nice it smelled. Where else can you get a product that you don't have to use a lot, with scent that lasts for a long time? It was a pleasure to try and review these products.
They all looked so pretty and smelled so nice. I was to try each one and write a review. I was also to pass out coupons to all my friends so they could try this wonderful new product as well. I called everyone I knew and told them that I was one of 200 picked to try this out. Didn't I feel special? You bet!
Well, I only wash my hair twice a week because it's half way down my back so...it's quite a process to wash it, as you can imagine.
I tried the Herbal Essences Hydralicious Featherweight Shampoo and Conditioner - orange swirls in the shampoo - first as this is supposed to give your hair body. Not that I much need body as I have lots as it is but I wanted to try all the products to be fair. I thought that I would need a lot of shampoo considering the length of my hair but I was pleasantly surprised. I took what I thought I would need, a handful and it was too much. I had suds galore. It had a pleasant citrusy smell. Even with all the suds it was easy to rinse out.
With the conditioner, I took less after the shampoo incident and it was very silky feeling. It had the same scent as the shampoo. It too rinsed out easily. It didn't leave my hair feeling weighted down.
After my hair dried, I noticed that I had a lot of body but this isn't the product for me because with all the body I already have it was too much. For someone with fine hair and no body, this would be perfect.
I next tried the Herbal Essences Hydralicious Self-Targeting Shampoo and Conditioner - pink swirls in the shampoo. It smelled faintly of berries and almonds to me, as did the conditioner. I was able to use less, knowing that I would get the suds that I needed off a smaller amount. It really works well to provide suds and scent. Both rinsed out easily and once again didn't make my hair feel weighted down.When my hair was dry, it looked so curly, people were asking me what I had done to my hair. It was less flyaway and looked so much more healthy.
Lastly, I tried the Herbal Essences Hydralicious Reconditioning Shampoo and Conditioner -purple swirls in the shampoo. The smell of these reminded me of fruit and coconut. No problems with the amount to use as this shampoo suds up like crazy and the conditioner is so silky, it just rubs right through your hair. Yet, you don't feel like anything is left on your hair once you are done rinsing, as sometimes happens. Just clean and soft feeling hair. Again, when my hair was dry, it was curly, less flyaway and more healthy looking.
I must say I was really impressed with these shampoos and conditioners because with only washing my hair twice a week, I am often left with dry feeling scalp and no scent left on my hair but with this product, this just didn't happen. No dry, itchy scalp at all and people were commenting on the scent, days after I had washed it, saying how nice it smelled. Where else can you get a product that you don't have to use a lot, with scent that lasts for a long time? It was a pleasure to try and review these products.
Butterfly Basket to be Won
She Became a Butterfly is hosting a giveaway of a basket of butterfly goodies from Shelly’s Treasures.
Win a Pendant
Etsy it Up is hosting this giveaway of a lovely pendant from Keys and Memories...which has amazingly unique items made out of recycled typewriter keys...too pretty.
Win a Reusable Stainless Steel Bottle
Momma in Flip Flops 2 is hosting a giveaway of a reusable 13 oz stainless steel bottle from Earthlust and they have lots of designs to chose from.
Win a Necklace
3 Garnets and 2 Sapphires is hosting this giveaway of a personalized Soap Opera Bar Tag Necklace from HipFusion Jewelry Collections.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Win Crocheted Slippers
LilyShayStyle is hosting this giveaway from lindaphcc and you get to chose the colour that you would like to have. Isn't that great?
Win a Bra!
The Funky Monkey is hosting this giveaway from Moving Comfort .
Simply Stacie Giveaways
A giveaway of 2 bars of Goat Milk Stuff soap...they look like they smell absolutely heavenly.
Another giveaway of a Twilight inspired piece from Icy Jewelry of an apple necklace...just so pretty.
Win an 8x10 art print from Icing on the Cupcake hosted by Simply Stacie.
Another giveaway of a Twilight inspired piece from Icy Jewelry of an apple necklace...just so pretty.
Win an 8x10 art print from Icing on the Cupcake hosted by Simply Stacie.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Book Giveaway
Another giveaway by Simply Stacie of a book about surviving the holocaust. Sounds like a phenomenal read.
Giveaway of a Book by Charles Grodin
Win a book by Charles Grodin from So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
Simply Stacie Giveaway
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of some lovely items from Nimli.
Artfire Giveaway
Risky Beads is hosting a giveaway with pieces from her site and other artisans of ArtFire , very pretty pieces. Lots of loot.
Giveaway of a Book
Reading with Monie is hosting a giveaway of "The Girl She Used to Be"...sounds so interesting.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
The giveaway is for $20 from Savepro's to spend on what you want.
iPod Touch Giveaway
Coop is hosting his first giveaway and all you have to do is go here to check it out.
Win an Audio Book
At Home with Books is hosting this giveaway.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Pick the Jewellery that You Win!
Simply Stacie is hosting this giveaway from Heidi's Jewelry Designs . Very pretty and unique pieces.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaways
Want to win a beautiful bracelet from City Details. Well, here's your chance, hosted by Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls.
Flip flops that fold...well, that's what you could win and they come in a handy make-up bag, from Flexflop . Once again hosted by Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls.
Flip flops that fold...well, that's what you could win and they come in a handy make-up bag, from Flexflop . Once again hosted by Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls.
Win a New Clutch!
Everything up Close is hosting a giveaway of a Mini Luxe clutch made by English Retreads. These are made from recycled rubber, what a great idea!
My Moms View Giveaway
There is a giveaway of a beautiful bracelet from ShandaGlass that My Moms View is hosting. Feel free to check it out.
Pick Your Favourite 8 Soaps and Win!
Soap Deli is hosting a giveaway and you get to pick your favourite 8 soaps that you could win! They have some fantastic scents so check it out.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Simply Stacie Giveaway
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway of a Four Elements pendant from Searcey Designs . They are lovely and so well crafted.
Katydid and Kid Giveaway
Want to win Ecover cleaning supplies. Katydid and Kid is hosting a giveaway of just that.
Bookin' with Bingo Giveaways
Want to win the Max series by author James Patterson...well here's where you can. Bookin' with Bingo is hosting this awesome giveaway.
There is another giveaway of The Terror by author Dan Simmons and once again Bookin' with Bingo is hosting this.
There is another giveaway of The Terror by author Dan Simmons and once again Bookin' with Bingo is hosting this.
You Chose the Win!
Everything up Close is hosting this giveaway of something from Mette Vangso...they have specially made pillows to soothe aching muscles, eyes, necks and also have satchet sets but whatever, you get to chose what you want if you win. (US residents only)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Simply Stacie Giveaways
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway where you can win 2 bars of soap that you chose the scents that you want, from Goat Milk Stuff . They all sound heavenly.
The other giveaway she is hosting is for a reusable stainless steel bottle from Otterbottle .
The other giveaway she is hosting is for a reusable stainless steel bottle from Otterbottle .
Katydid and Kid Giveaway
Starter cleaning kit giveaway from EPIC. You can check this out here:
Green Earth Journey Giveaway
This giveaway is for a bird bath made from china...they are so pretty.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaways
They are hosting a giveaway of a St. Patrick's Day Table Runner from Mark Your Decorations .
A second giveaway today of a showerhead from Evolve.
A second giveaway today of a showerhead from Evolve.
Jewellery Giveaway
A Nut in a Nutshell is hosting a giveaway of a beautiful handcrafted pendant from Kristen's Custom Creations, made by Kristen, also of La Dolce Vita. It's absolutely adorable.
I had a win today from Co-op Atlantic (http://www.co-opsonline.com/winawii/). I won a Wii console and will probably receive it sometime within the next 2 weeks. I am so excited!!
Lidgard Photo Cards to be Won
My Moms View is hosting a giveaway of some beautiful photographic cards done by Damian Lidgard. Some of his work features areas around Nova Scotia as this is where he is from now. These cards are so beautifully done, they can be framed!
Wallet Giveaway
The Giveaway is hosting a giveaway of a very pretty and cool looking wallet from Vinca.
Everything up Close Giveaway
This is a giveaway of a S-650 Sound Oasis Sound System, with sound cards with it as well, that sound like real nature sounds. You really have to check this out to believe it. I was amazed by how natural this sounded and so soothing.
Wanna Win a Pillow?
Everything up Close is hosting a giveaway of a pair of Natura Aloe Dream Mate pillows. They sound absolutely incredible.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Katydid and Kid Giveaway
Soapnuts? Have you ever heard of this? Well, they have them at Laundry Tree and Katydid and Kid is hosting a giveaway for a starter kit! (US addresses only)
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Win a St. Patty's Day Bowl - Candle Holder from Bed of Roses Boutique. Thanks to Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls for hosting the giveaway.
Win Matrimony!
Bookin' with Bingo is hosting this giveaway and the book sounds like a doozy. Can't wait to read it, if I win. LOL! Good luck to you.
Viva Woman Giveaway
On Viva Woman, there is a giveaway with too many items to mention but let's just say there are some beautiful items from some very talented artists.
Simply Stacie Giveaways
Simply Stacie is hosting a giveaway from HomeStudio and are their items ever sweet. Go here and check out the contest.
Another giveaway that is being hosted by Simply Stacie is from LTDchix of a very cute Short Sleeve Laundry Mom t-shirt. Feel free to check it out.
Another giveaway that is being hosted by Simply Stacie is from LTDchix of a very cute Short Sleeve Laundry Mom t-shirt. Feel free to check it out.
Fresh Water Pearl Necklace up For Grabs
Sandier Pastures is hosting a giveaway with the prize coming from Lisa Leonard Designs...a very beautiful fresh water pearl necklace.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Lovely Tote Giveaway
Misadventures of a Newlywed is hosting this giveaway. This is the first time I have checked out her website and it's beautiful.
Marta's Meanderings Review and Giveaway
There is a book on review and for giveaway that deeply touched me..."My Little Red Book" by Rachel Kauder Nalebuff. It is a collection of stories from women of all ages, races, faith and cultural backgrounds of when they began their periods. What is so amazing is the author of this book is 18 years old. Go to this site and read Marta's review, the information from the Publisher's website and the synopsis on Rachel Kauder Nalebuff. There is also a short video of Rachel speaking, her thoughts on the book, which was very enlightening.
Katydid and Kid Giveaways
Katydid and Kid is hosting a giveaway from Sun & Earth of a reusable bag and some product samples. Lots of information on the types of products that they provide and what they are like so go here and check it out.
Another giveaway from Katydid and Kid with a TWIST, cause that's where the prize is coming from. Cleaning supplies that make cleaning fun? Well, some of them sound like they would.
And here's one more. This prize is from Better Life and will be natural cleaning products that have really cute names.
Another giveaway from Katydid and Kid with a TWIST, cause that's where the prize is coming from. Cleaning supplies that make cleaning fun? Well, some of them sound like they would.
And here's one more. This prize is from Better Life and will be natural cleaning products that have really cute names.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Another giveaway! This time it's a very cute St. Patrick's Day pendant from Bumble Beadz .
Need Coffee Giveaway
Everything Up Close is hosting this giveaway of a Keurig Platinum Home Brewing System. The review is very positive with lots of information about the product. Feel free to check it out.
I just love this website that I found completely by accident. It's called Made By Hand. By ME. It features all handmade articles from numerous artists. It has so much information on the first page, yet it is easy to find your way around. You can browse, literally windowshop, the items before you want to buy. It features interviews with the artisans so you get some valuable information about the people that you could be buying from. On each of the shops, there is a rating system so you can see how others felt about the service they received. Wouldn't you love that in real life? You can become a member just by registering and also get emails from them to keep in the know with what's happening. They have great contests so that's always a plus. I must say this one's a keeper!
Fantastic Giveaway
Made By Hand. By ME. is hosting a giveaway with lots of handmade items donated by ByHand artisans. It would be great to win this one.
carp(e) libris review Giveaway
A journal gift set is what you could win, from Figments Studio and it's beautiful. Why not give it a try?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
It was 21 years ago today at 4:12 am that I gave birth to my beautiful bundle of joy, swaddled in pink, Kristin Margaret Anne
, weighing in at 3lbs 8 1/2oz and measuring 17 3/4in long. She was a miracle baby to me. 9 weeks early but perfect in every way. 10 fingers, 10 toes and everything where it was supposed to be. I can't believe that so much time has passed since that wonderful day. She is even more precious to me now. She is the most thoughtful, intelligent, powerful young woman that I have ever met. She is not only my daughter but also my best friend. I love her more than words or emotions can ever express. I believe that this is the first of her birthdays that I actually haven't seen her face...that makes me sad. I waited to call her because I knew that she had classes and she called me first. She wasn't very pleased with me because she thought I forgot her birthday! That isn't even possible. This is the best day of my life...the day I met my daughter. I love you baby girl, more than you will ever know and miss you when I am not with you. Hugs and kisses to you!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009!
There will be The Ultimate Blog Party 2009 March 20 - 27, 2009. Thanks to 5 Minutes for Mom and many others that make this possible with prizes and links to other sites. Feel free to check it out.
My Organized Chaos Giveaway
They are hosting a giveaway from Signs & Salvage of a handmade sign. Very pretty and very unique.
Romance Novel Giveaway
Marta's Meanderings is hosting a giveaway of "Rogue (The Cat Star Chronicles)". Sounds intriguing and inticing all at once. Go here for a review and to enter.
Chicbuds Giveaway
Confessions of a Psycotic Housewife is hosting this giveaway. I didn't even know what chicBuds were until I went on this website but now I do and I want to win this one.
My Moms View Giveaway
They are hosting a giveaway from Grannys Garden, which is in Halifax, NS, of a super cute hat. Wish they would fit a larger head. LOL!
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Giveaway Addicted Mommy Giveaway
Want to win a $25 gift certificate to Earth Mama ♥ Angel Baby. Well, you can because A Giveaway Addicted Mommy is hosting a giveaway for just that.
Katydid and Kid Giveaways
Want to win a pretty apron. Here's your chance. Katydid and Kid is hosting a giveaway from Carolyn's Kitchen of a very pretty apron.
They are also hosting a giveaway of cleaning supplies from Seventh Generation...good for the environment, which is good for all of us.
Want to learn how to Green Clean. Win this book from Katydid and Kid. It's got some great tips on how to clean and be friendly to the environment at the same time and get this, the book is waterproof and stain-resistant!
They are also hosting a giveaway of cleaning supplies from Seventh Generation...good for the environment, which is good for all of us.
Want to learn how to Green Clean. Win this book from Katydid and Kid. It's got some great tips on how to clean and be friendly to the environment at the same time and get this, the book is waterproof and stain-resistant!
Skoy Cloth Giveaway
Katydid and Kid is hosting a giveaway of Skoy clothes. They are biodegradeable, reuseable, sponge-like clothes that will replace your using paper towel. What a great concept.
Green Earth Journey Giveaway
They are hosting a giveaway from IMCreations of a scrabble tile pendant of your choosing. Very pretty designs and lots of chose from.
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls Giveaway
Want to win a table runner...well here is the place to do it:
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My Organized Chaos Giveaway
They are hosting a giveaway from Whimzee Glass...very pretty articles.
My Moms View Giveaway
They are hosting a giveaway of Womb to World hair clippies, which are absolutely adorable.
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